Friday, March 23, 2012

Nutella Lava Cake

When I came across this cake on, I was so confused.. It says it was only 2 ingredients!Yes, it’s only 2 ingredients. And I mean really two ingredients. Not one of those recipes that say two or three ingredients and then one of the ingredients is something like “pre-made dough” or “cake mix.” (Not that there is anything wrong with those recipes.) This cake can be dangerous.. BEWARE. You are literally eating pure Nutella...
 With only 2 ingredients, it is by definition the most simple cake to make! 
I have always loved Nutella! My dad used to put something similar on my sandwiches when I lived in Israel. In Israel, we have "Shachar", pretty much the same thing.. but, like everything else in Israel, better... My family has always been obsessed with the stuff! We make toast in the morning with it, put it on bananas, and (my personal favorite) on matzoh during Passover.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this as much as I did!


4 eggs
8 1/2 ounces Nutella


1. Grease a 6 or 8 inch round springfoam pan. Line with parchment paper on sides and on bottom.Preheat oven to 350F. Whip eggs on high speed in mixer until more than double the volume, about 5 minutes.
2. Measure out Nutella into a glass bowl. Microwave Nutella for about 20 seconds to make it softer. Add in 1/3 of the egg mixture. Fold with a spatula in a clockwise direction until all of the egg is mixed in. Then add another 1/3 of egg mixture and fold again until no egg streaks remain. Pour in remaining third and repeat.
3. Pour batter into springfoam pan. Bake for 20-25 minutes until knife inserted comes out clean. Let cake cool before cutting and serving. 

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